Florida Statutes

Florida statutes 327 and 328 regulate the administration and enforcement of vessel registration and titling laws, as well as boating safety. All motor vessels, operated on state waters must be numbered and titled in Florida, except those used exclusively on private lakes. A non-resident vessel which is already registered by another state can be operated in Florida waters for 90 days before Florida registration is required.

What is the time period for boat registration?

Registration carries with it the payment of a fee, and the issuance of a Florida registration number and decal that must be affixed to the vessel. All boats are registered starting at midnight of your birthday and expire at midnight of your birthday the following year. Fees are based on the length of the vessel with the exception of canoes and non-motorized vessels less than 12 feet in length. Click here for a Vessel Fee Schedule

Do I have to register my canoe?

Pursuant to section 327.25(1) Florida Statute, only canoes which are propelled by motors must be registered.

When must my vessel be titled in the State of Florida?

All vessels operated on the waters of Florida shall be titled pursuant to Chapter 328 Florida Statutes except federally documented vessels owned by the United States Government, a state of political subdivisions thereof, out of state vessels which are registered in another state and used in this state for a period of less than 90 days, or an amphibious vessel for which a title is issued by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles in the State of Florida.

What must be done if I have a documented vessel?

All federally documented vessels which are relocated to this state and are domiciled here for greater than 90 days must obtain a Florida registration. Documented vessels are not required to be titled in the State of Florida.

More Information

For more information, please contact the St. Johns County Tax Collector Office at (904) 209-2250 or taxcollector@sjctax.us.